003 - Selling Value Over Service

On this episode of Analysis Paralysis, I am talking to one of my mentors, Ajaz. He is a great salesman and consultant that has given me a lot of guidance over the years. I figured that not everyone has a mentor so I wanted to record this call with him to share with others to hopefully get something from this. Discussing sales and difficulties I was recently going through with clients and overall, how to sell value over an "hourly rate" type model.
On this episode of Analysis Paralysis, I am talking to one of my mentors, Ajaz. He is a great salesman and consultant that has given me a lot of guidance over the years. I figured that not everyone has a mentor so I wanted to record this call with him to share with others to hopefully get something from this. Discussing sales and difficulties I was recently going through with clients and overall, how to sell value over an "hourly rate" type model.

Creators and Guests

Alex Bass
Alex Bass
⚑ β€œThe Efficient Guy” πŸš€ Founder & Product ( @EfficientApp ) πŸ‘Ό Angel Investor ( @EfficientVC ) πŸ† @useMotion πŸ€– Automation & Integration πŸ”₯ Product Obsessed
003 - Selling Value Over Service
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